Goodrs NEWEST STYLE, THE VRGsA new shape with the same levels of style and performance. Goodr designed these shades to look good and fit comfortably on your face whether you’re running laps on a track or entering a time machine to the future.Mirrored Reflective LensesFor Regular HeadsBest for Road Runs or Hot Tub Time MachinesMade for runningNO SLIP. NO BOUNCE. ALL POLARIZED. ALL FUN.THE FUTURE IS VOID. What does this mean? A dystopian world full of urination stations? You know, because if you're running a race and you can pee whenever, wherever (shoutout to Shakira), you won't be able to resist the temptation to empty your bladder and it'll mess up your time? Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing. You'd feel sweet relief. We say, put on these shades of the future, black the F out, pee the F out, and feel comfort knowing it doesn't matter what time you cross the finish line.