The new JCob Pro SR is a redesign of the classic San Remo. This saddle has so many special, small features that it is difficult to zero in on just one thing. The classic shape overall makes the saddle look familiar. The shape was arrived at by thousands of miles of riding by men that just love cycling, they wanted performance but demanded comfort and JCob have delivered these to the rider. At 151mm wide, the Pro SR delivers a great sitting area and the deep pressure relief center helps eliminate crotch hotspots while using a wind tunnel designed to pull air across your bottom side. And this is not just some hardcore road racing saddle, there is a big resurgence in the triathlon ranks for using a properly designed Classic saddle. With the long, narrow nose section, the riders can move over a long range to find that extra performance, there is also a major weight savings and it offers you a freedom in positioning that most Tri specific saddles can’t match. We are a leader in saddle design and we were the first with our narrow Delta series of saddles, we designed the extremely popular Type 5 saddles and have preached about “short nose” saddles but look at the bike racks at your next race, Men and Women are returning to these properly designed traditional saddles for all distances of races, don’t miss out on the opportunity for great comfort.