The Zone 3 Align Wetsuit is perfect for swimmers getting into open water looking for a natural feeling swim, this is as close as it gets with a full sleeve suit.The panel design is based on our award winning Aspire wetsuit but with aone-pieceshoulder panel made from 1.5mm Yamamoto #39SCS Nano for maximum flexibility. The thicknesses of each panel has also been reduced and balanced to keep the body aligned in the water.The neutral buoyancy of the suit, provided by the thinner neoprene, is perfect for those swimmers who find that the 5mm neoprene found in the legs of the traditional style swim wetsuits can raise their legs too far out of the water and cause unwanted pressure on the lower back leading to an uncomfortable and often painful swim.The overwhelming feedback that we have received from swimmerswearing the suitis that the Align is the most natural feeling wetsuit they’ve ever swam in. It’s perfect for those who like to use their leg kick and are looking for pure comfort and full body flexibility.KEY FEATURESPremium SCSYamamoto fabrics designed to ensure superb all-over body flexibility, comfort and performance.Zone3 work on new developments withYamamotoas a chosen supplier because theneopreneoffers fantastic performance features such as:Speed: The aqua dynamic ‘SCS’ Nanocoating applied to the neoprenecreates almostzerodrag through the water. Adrag coefficient of just 0.021 compared with 4.0 forregularneoprene wetsuits.The SCS coatingalsoprevents the suit from absorbing water, therefore avoiding excess weight in the wetsuit.Flexibility:A massive 480-580% in elongation, compared with human skin (under arm) which is just 60-70%.Superior flexibility and comfort with an expansion of 7xconventional wetsuit materials.Buoyancy:Derived from limestone rather than oil which offers a23% higher closed-cell structure. This significantly increasing thebuoyancy levels for the swimmer.Warmth:High heat retention: Keeping the body warmer in colder waters to help reduce body fatigue and improve performance.Eco:The neoprene is also derived from limestone opposed to petroleum which is more environmentally friendly.Based on the best selling Aspire wetsuit, the Align offers neutral buoyancy for those who find their legs raise too much in othersuits.This has been described as one of the most natural feeling wetsuits you’ll swim in.New 1.5mmone-piece shoulder panel with no seams from elbow to elbowto offer even more flexibility and distance per stroke.This feature helps toconserve energy andallows you toswim faster with less effort.Pro Speed Cuffson the arms and the legsfor rapid removal after the swim to ensure the quickest transitions, saving you vital time on any course.Premium inner liningsare used which further add to the comfort and flexibility of the suit.Downwards YKK zipto enable the suit to go on and off easily.